BCRPA 2008 Feedback

Thanks for being such a great crowd in Osoyoos! Below is a comprehensive listing of all the written feedback I received.
Daren Wride

What aspect of Daren's presentation connected with you?

Using life experience
His passion and conviction and message
Being a trustworthy leader
Aspect of trust
Personal stories
His sincerity
Honest personal experience
Honesty and openness
How teams can overcome major obstacles
Taking time to think about teams
The passion of his message
Personal experiences
Genuine passion for the topic. fantastic!
Honest, straightforward, value
The stories -- I think everyone could relate

What value or benefit did you personally receive from this talk?

The skills and trust needed to build a team
The importance of teams/family
Reinforced my beliefs and understanding of the challenges
Importance of working with a team
Reinforce the value of team's
Reminded of all the great people I can count on
I will go home and really examine the teams I'm part of
Don't go it alone!!
The value of team
Reinforce the knowledge that I work with a great team
To include teams, family during crisis
Great timing. Dealing with team's work
To make more effort to create and become part of the team

What suggestions do you have to make this presentation more effective?

It was great
Can't think of any -- was very well done
None, really enjoyed the session
I feel the presentation was as effective as it could be!
Some visuals
Allow time for groups to discuss concepts
Great as it is, maybe some props or video...
? Interactive -- have us consider -- write down or share -- good or great experience on a team versus poor one if time allows
You did a bang up job. Awesome!

Other Questions or Comments:

Thank you!!!
Great presentation. Held my interest!
Thank you!
Wonderful presentation ... don't change anything!!
You almost made me want to practice traditional Christianity again...
Thank you the sharing such personal exp.
Really enjoyed!

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